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Home » Why Do People Care So Much About Water Damage?

Why Do People Care So Much About Water Damage?

water damage

Water damage is often touted as one of the tragic plumbing problems anyone can have. You might have to spend a lot on repairs, if not entirely having to replace everything that was flooded. Many people ask why water damage is worse than other types of plumbing problems and even Why Do People Care So Much About Water Damage?

If you’re a new homeowner, water damage repair might not seem like a huge priority the first few days. It’s just a little water pooling up on the floor; what harm can it do? In reality, you have almost no leeway with water damage: if you can’t control the damage yourself or the damage is too severe, it’s vital to call a professional plumber as soon as possible.

A critical reason behind the importance of getting solutions for water damage is that if left unchecked, water can wreak havoc on your home like nothing less than a disaster. In the US, almost all houses are primarily made of wood. Regardless of what kind of wood it is, continuous contact with pooled-up water, especially water containing pollutants, will rot the wood in a matter of hours.

However, before you charge ahead and call the most expensive plumber you can find, it’s essential to always understand exactly what kind of water damage your home is suffering.

Most Common Types and Frequent Sources of Water Damage

Over the years, professionals have used several different categories to differentiate between types of water damage. However, only one has become widely accepted worldwide: the origin and state of the water causing damages. Following this, there are three types of water damage:

1. Clean Water Damage

The first type to be considered, Clean Water Damage, is the least concerning. In most cases, this term refers to water that’s completely clean and not polluted with pathogens or contaminants from anything. If not harmless spills from electrical appliances, Clean Water Damage usually happens as a result of melting snow or rain. Of course, it can also be caused by plumbing problems, like faucets or supply lines bursting.

You don’t have to wait for several hours to get a water damage restoration professional to fix the problem with our emergency water damage restoration services. In the meantime, you can start cleaning and drying the affected area yourself, if possible.

2. Dirty Water Damage

The second is dirty water damage, which is also sometimes called sullage. Sullage is where you start seeing mild health demerits from water damage. For example, water from toilet bowls and toilet pipes, a common source of sullage, is somewhat clean but is polluted from waste remnants in the toilet.

If you end up exposed to sullage for long or ingest it, it’s almost guaranteed to cause problems like nausea later on. Disinfection should become a priority when you have dirty water damage.

3. Blackwater Damage

Blackwater damage comes in third and is the most severe kind of water damage. The term ‘Blackwater’ refers to water contaminated with organic toxins and pathogens, especially water from outbound toilet pipes containing human waste. While it seems only disgusting at first thought, being exposed to blackwater can easily have severe health repercussions.

The worst part about blackwater damage is that it often causes irreparable harm to your furniture and wooden items. If you suffered blackwater damage from sewage pipes bursting, you might have to discard all affected items of furniture that are salvaged!

From Where Can You Expect Water Damage?

Terms like weather conditions and plumbing problems give a general idea of how water damage occurs, but if you want to go into details, there are hundreds of ways for unwanted water damage to occur to your home. Plumbing issues can regularly pop up if you don’t go for regular plumbing inspection and maintenance, and it’s no secret that most of us barely take care of our plumbing systems.

Read the detailed list below to know what are common plumbing problems that can cause water damage issues and the various steps you can take to prevent them:

  • Backed Up Sewer Pipes

Sewer pipes are a frequent source of the worst kind of water damage. Since they often contain human waste, any water that flows through them is contaminated with life-threatening human waste. To prevent your sewer pipes from being backed up, have them inspected by a professional plumber several times every year. You can also make an effort to get a backflow valve, though your sewage pipe probably has one if you live near the city.

  • Piled Up Snow on Your Roof

In the colder parts of the country, especially California, many flat roofs build up snow over the winter. While not generally all that threatening, it could seep into the cracks in between and cause damage if your roof has shingles. Additionally, there’s also the risk of a large pile of snow collapsing on your car, or maybe even on a person, causing immense personal injury.

To prevent the chances of having a roof snow load collapse, get a Water Damage Restoration service and check your roof drains before and during the winter.

  • Mineral Content Causing Water Tank Corrosion

Water heaters are always a very important part of your plumbing. Everybody needs hot water for several personal grooming needs. While usually made to last, water heaters do have an expiration date: in most cases, you should replace a water heater after ten years or so. Even if your heater isn’t showing any problems, there is eventual corrosion due to minerals in the water. The water tank in your water heater might need to be replaced even sooner if the water from your local water supply has high mineral content.

  • Damaged Sections of Piping

Regardless of how recent your plumbing system is, piping problems can come up at any time. A little dent on a pipe, or even an increase in the mineral content of the water flowing through them, could cause severe damage to your pipes. This stands especially true for lower-grade PVC pipes, which are sometimes all too susceptible to physical stress. Have a professional plumber check exposed sections of pipe every year so you can stay ahead of your problems.

Now, we know the sources of water damage, let’s have a sneak peak at the effects of water damage on your home.

Water Damage to Your Home and Its Effects: The Main Notes of Concern

Even with how severe water damage to your home can be, many people ask why people worry so much about water damage? Is it more dangerous than other types of plumbing, structural, or weather problems? Walkthrough the list below to find out what are the leading causes for worries from water damage:

1. Structural Damage to Your House: What Does It Mean?

Structural Water Damage is a significant source of worry for homeowners that live in tropical regions with high rainfall. It’s also a note of concern for people with older houses primarily made of wood, a material that is particularly vulnerable to the effects of water. Structural damage largely depends on the extent of water damage but is always quite extensive if the water source isn’t plugged-in quickly.

For example, wood makes up a large part of most houses. Floors and ceilings are often made of wood, as is drywall. Even a slow drip of water won’t take much time to rot the wood, making it unsafe. Damaged wooden sections of the ceiling could cave in, or you could fall through them and injure yourself.

However, preventing structural damage is quite hard. The reason is that most of the time, the water damage causing most of the problem might be a pipe that’s hidden behind a wall or under the floor. Rather than take the chance, if you notice wet wooden sections of the house, call our 24-hour plumber to take a look at it and get water damage repair services instantly!

2. Mold Growth and How It Can Harm You

Mold growth is one of the most significant risks posed by water damage and quite possibly the most dangerous. If your house was recently flooded or a portion had water pooled up in it for a significant amount of time, you might start seeing mold growth in the area. Mold can grow on anything from wood walls to clothing, toys, and even your furniture.

Mold is usually an essential part of nature, but it could cause respiratory problems for small children and older family members in your house. The worst type of mold, black mold, can even be life-threatening if you inhale it.

3. Puddles of Water Are Breeding Grounds for Bugs

Another health risk of water damage besides mold is the bugs. If a pipe in your kitchen or bathroom bursts and creates a little puddle of water out of your sight, this little puddle will become a breeding ground for bugs in less than a day. Mosquitoes, beetles, spiders, and even more harmful insects like fleas and ticks will breed in the stagnant pool of water.

To prevent this, checkups of rooms with water pipes are vital every couple of weeks. You can even do these yourself if you make sure to be completely thorough in your checkup of the room!

4. Other Effects of Water Damage on Your Property

The effects of water damage don’t just stop there. Several results and consequences aren’t as serious in the short term as maybe mold growth or a saggy ceiling, but show their true significance in the long term, like:

  • Devalued Property: If you’re trying to sell your property, you have to have a competitive price based on the home’s condition. The signs of water damage over the years are almost impossible to hide. It can even be something as minor as a foul smell that will go a long way towards making your property unappealing.
  • Damage to Personal Items: A tremendous and saddening effect of water damage is often the damage to your items. Photos in wooden frames, little souvenirs from memorable trips, and even your favorite clothing might have to be discarded on the spot if they were in contact with contaminated water for long.
  • Electrical Damage: Electrical systems in flooded or water-damaged areas are unsafe to use until a water damage repair certified electrician has fully verified them. This particular tip should be treated with life-or-death importance for every water damage situation. Electrical discharges from damaged sockets won’t just lightly sting you; they can potentially cause great personal harm.

Plumbing and Water Restoration Services in San Diego: EZ Restoration USA

With over 25 years of experience in the field, if you’re trying to minimize water damage risks or even try to contain an active situation in San Diego, give EZ Restoration USA a call. We guarantee the most efficient plumbing services, with a talented serviceman reaching your door in a matter of an hour, around the clock. Don’t hesitate to book an appointment by phone or through our website, since our water damage repair prices are kept competitively low to make sure we’re always the best price-efficient choice for our customers.

Our team takes all COVID precautionary measures while working.