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Home » 10 Common Signs You Need To Hire A Water Damage Restoration Company

10 Common Signs You Need To Hire A Water Damage Restoration Company

Water Damage Restoration

Water damage is not too difficult to miss at home because of the many problems it brings. By the way, water damage smells, makes the walls change colors, peeling of paint, and can even increase the monthly water bill of your home. However, water damage comes from a wide variety of sources outside and inside your home. Even with proper prevention strategies, finding methods of reducing it can make you aware of the hundred more issues with your plumbing. You have to take very precise precautions because water damage can occur without any warning.

A heavy monsoon, flood, or a mistake of not turning off the tub, can all be reasons for initiating the first seeds of lasting water damage. You can try and detect these ten signs that indicate water damage so that you can call a water damage restoration in San Diego before the situation spirals out of control.

Why You Need To Hire A Water Damage Restoration Company In San Diego?

1. Musty Odors Eliminating From Your House

Have you ever walked inside your home and thought, “the home smells like a damp basement.” If you are not in your actual basement, you might be smelling mold, and they can come from very specific rooms and are often the prominent signs of water damage. These smells occur by a buildup of versatile organic compounds named fungi. These compounds can smell like wet newspaper or cardboard.

If you do feel like your room smells like something musty, then definitely try and identify the cause of water damage. If you possibly find the source, it is better. Otherwise, it is wise to call for emergency water damage restoration services.

2. Mold On The Baseboards, Walls, And Caulk

A very specific sign of water damage that is often overlooked is the formation of mold on your house’s baseboards, walls, and caulk. But you can expect to see some growth of mold in areas that have high moisture, like underneath the toilet, shower, or inside the basement. If you find the growth of mold in any other room, it can be a sign of water damage.

For example, if you are recognizing the growth of mold forming on the baseboards, you may also find a source of standing water or leak behind that baseboard. In case you recognize moisture molds somewhere that is unforeseen, it is essential to inspect further by peeling the baseboard back and looking inside the wall. Else, you can rip the caulk up to see what might lurk behind it. For instance, you are not comfortable with peeling off boards, you can call for water damage repair experts in San Diego.

3. Check For Stains In The Ceiling

Probably the greatest indispensable sign of water damage for most people is a stained patch on the ceiling. If you see orange or yellow patches on the ceiling, it is very possible you have water damage. You should remove them as soon as you notice before the size of the stain grows in size and causes more damage from the leak. If you leave the damage in place for too long, you may notice them turning brown in color. In case you are not familiar with the shape it makes, it can look a little like a halo.

Water damage turns yellowish because of the surfactant additive that all paints have. The chemical simply does the job of stabilizing the paint and also helps the new paint stick to the existing paint. The additive itself is brown in color and has an extremely oily texture to it.

When the water absorbs in the wall and stays in its pores for a long time, this chemical in the paint will get activated and flow with the water. That flow is the ugly brown color you see on your ceiling. If you notice any of them, it is best to call an emergency water damage restoration in San Diego.

4. Noticing Peeling Wallpapers And Paints

Peeling wallpapers and paints are often surprising to a lot of people as they say, “This symptom was not happening yesterday.” Unfortunately, once water penetrates the wall, it is only a kick-off time before it comes to the surface. Excess moisture inside your painted walls, whether it be from droplets, leaks, humidity, or plumbing problems, can definitely cause bubbles to form on the paint. These bubbles can appear anywhere from the top two coats to the substrate levels.

These types of bubbles are extremely common inside kitchens and bathrooms, where liquids can condense in the form of fumes and are present in the basement or on surfaces as these are placed in basements without adequate ventilation for moderate levels of humidity. Bubbles in your paint are an unquestionable symbol of water damage, so you should call out for emergency water damage restoration.

5. High Bills For Water

A very obvious method of detecting if something goes wrong is by checking your monthly water bill. If you notice a significant spike in your monthly water bill, there can be an ongoing leak flowing beneath your noses. You can begin searching for them in areas that use a lot of water, such as toilets, heater, main supply, and your exterior hoses. There are sufficient chances that you will successfully find the leak pretty quickly. If you fail to find the leak, the best thing to do is call the professionals and let them have a thorough checkup.

6. Broken Or Wrapping Drywall

Drywall is a very complex and durable component, and a splash of water will not necessarily destroy your drywall. The same can be true for small leaks if you catch them soon enough. When this situation happens, you should immediately stop the flow of water and proceed to dry the space using towels. You can also try placing a fan nearby and some direct sunlight that falls on the affected region.

If you are quick enough, you can dry the wall before the wall receives considerable damage. However, if the wall loses color, you can apply some paint to remedy the problem. But if it begins to warp or sag, you have to cut off the affected region and install a new sheet, or the problem will just spread to the nearby regions. So do not waste time and call the top water damage repair services for the best results.

If your drywall has exposure to a large amount of water for an extensive period, it will become ruined beyond repair. A steady flood or leak is a common example, even after it dries, the wall will not return to its original shape. The color will be gone, and you will clearly notice the board starting to warp. If you apply loads of pressure, the pieces of the board will crumble into a chalky and dense powder. You should promptly remove the board and start drying the surrounding before you try installing a new sheet. Drywall that takes damage from moisture is simply not only an eyesore but also a significant health hazard.

7. Sounds Of Dripping Or Constantly Running Water

If you ever notice a sound of faint water flow or dripping sound, it is worthwhile to locate the source. In case the sound itself is not too loud, hearing dripping or running water is usually a striking sign of a pipe leak. You should also go around searching for signs of puddles around your home. You should never dismiss or ignore these sounds, as they can be warning signs and can lead to severe water damage if you do not fix them promptly.

However, if you hear too many noises from your pipes, you can try shutting off your main water valve to check if the noises persist. If they still do, then you can try draining your pipes and faucets to ensure the leak does not continue happening and call the professionals. But if someone is using the washbasin or shower inside your house, it can be difficult to pinpoint from where the noise is coming. If you are focused on finding the cause of this noise, you can choose a quiet hour when no one uses water in your home.

8. Outdated Water Appliances Or Pipes

This is not always a sure sign of a leak, but outdated appliances and pipes can definitely cause leaks without giving any warning signs. So it is essential to check your appliances and pipes at least once every year to ensure there are no worn connections, leaks, or valves that need replacement. These spots can also be home to several water damage spots near walls, and it is always better to get rid of them instead of waiting around for the right time.

Another thing that one should note is that plumbing systems are extremely fragile and require professional handling to ensure everything goes correctly. Many leak emergencies occur just because the pipe laying was inaccurate. Most plumbing systems require pipes to help water flow against gravity. It is essential that connectors and pipes are laid properly, and the backflow devices are in place as necessary. So it is usually best to contact a water damage restoration professional in San Diego to assess your plumbing system.

9. Check The Pipes Near Your Slab Foundation

Slab foundations are very effective for most homes, but many aspects can affect the integrity of your pipes. Growth of tree roots, small earthquakes, and even flooding can pose a threat of shifting your ground pipes. As the ground movies, your pipes will too and can bend, crack, twist, or separate altogether. If you notice draining of your pipes slowing down or problems with the supply of water, the underground movements can be an issue. To avoid more repair than necessary, you should hire a reliable plumber to maintain and inspect your slab foundation pipelines.

One of the most common issues for leaks is surprisingly tree roots. Roots can sometimes interfere with your water pipes, and they can cause moisture to slowly seep inside your home. If you notice any wet patches, sinkholes, or drops in water pressure, you should promptly call a plumber to check for any interference with your water pipes.

10. Watch Out For Leaky Windows

We all love rainstorms as they can be some of the most calming moments on a warm day. However, it is also the worst time to find out that your window is leaking. If you decide to fix this issue before its time, you will save the integrity of the window and the wood around it. Over a given period, even a small amount of leak can cause the entire frame of the window to rot and even break down the wall. You can seal the window, and it is quite simple when you are using waterproofing.

The process of applying waterproofing to your windows can be very simple. You can first use a putty knife to remove the pre-existing seal from the windows and then wipe the whole area using a dry rag. If it is raining, you can apply a tarp and wait for the area to dry off. Then, try applying a very thin bead of waterproofing sealant just around the window and then let it cure for 24 hours at the very least before removing the protective tarp.


These 10 glaring signs of water damage can be just a simple situation of a water leak. But it can turn sinister if you don’t fix them. These spores can cause severe allergic reactions to people who have compromised immune systems. So you should never ignore them. It is better to acquire a reliable emergency water damage restoration service before it is too late.

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